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Pyramid (ft. Tim Ripper Owens) - 'Dungeons and Dragons' (lyric video)

Pyramid - 'Rage (Revisited)'
Οι Pyramid είναι ένα progressive metal συγκρότημα από την Νέα Υόρκη. Δημιουργήθηκε προ εξαετίας από τον μπασίστα Lance Sawyer και μας παρουσιάζεται κάπως έτσι: «Pyramid is a collaboration of choice virtuosos with awesome vocals and lyrical content» ή όπως λέει ο Sawyer «Pyramid it’s Rush, Iron Maiden and Dream Theater if they had a baby».

Οι Pyramid έχουν κυκλοφορήσει πέντε "ολοκληρωμένους" δίσκους ("Mi Rage" 2017, "Gold Tooth" 2019, "Amnesty" 2020, "Validity" 2021 οι τέσσερις πρώτοι). Το πλέον πρόσφατο δισκογραφικό τους πόνημα είναι διπλό cd, φέρει τον τίτλο "Rage (Revisited)" και κυκλοφόρησε πέρυσι (4 Νοεμβρίου 2022 ψηφιακά, 11 Νοεμβρίου 2022 σε διπλό cd).

Στο album συνεισφέρει μία πλειάδα εκλεκτών καλεσμένων όπως ο (τιτάνας) Harry Conklin "The Tyrant" (Jag Panzer), ο Tim Ripper Owens (ex-Judas Priest, ex-Iced Earth κλπ) και η Andry Lagiou (The Harps) στα φωνητικά, όπως επίσης και οι Mike Abdow (Fates Warning) στην κιθάρα, Chris Quirarte (Redemption) στα τύμπανα, Adam Bentley (guitars and mixing engineer) και Joey Izzo (keyboards).

Το δεύτερο cd αποτελείται από μόνο ένα τραγούδι, το "Dungeons and Dragons", το οποίο υπερβαίνει τα είκοσι λεπτά σε διάρκεια και στην παρούσα ανάρτηση μπορείτε να το ακούσετε (μέσω του σχετικού lyric video).

Το δελτίο τύπου της μπάντας μας δίνει τις λεπτομέρειες:

Pyramid is an American progressive metal super-project, a collaboration of selected musicians, led by Lance Sawyer who collaborates with some of the best musicians in the metal scene such as Tim Ripper Owens (ex-Judas Priest, ex-Iced Earth, among others), Andry Lagiou (The Harps), Harry "The Tyrant" Conklin (Jag Panzer) on vocals, Mike Abdow (Fates Warning) on guitars and Chris Quirarte (Redemption) on drums. Adam Bentley (Arch Echo) guitars and mixing engineer, Joey Izzo (Arch Echo) master keyboards and Perrine Missemer on amazing violin.

Thus, with a wide range of talents who know how to move in the field of music, Pyramid releases their fourth album in three years after "Gold Tooth" (2019), "Amnesty" (2020) and "Validity" (2021) ). Their new album entitled “Rage” has reached the market worldwide since November 4 via Sleazy Riders in physical (double cd) and digital version with the first disc consisting of eight tracks and the second one.

By pressing play, musical worlds come to your headphones, in which progressive metal flows and they take you on a journey around this type of music through perfectly structured orchestrations that do not include a trace of error. It is reasonable.

It makes sense not to find a single blemish on an album that includes so many big names in the metal music scene. We all know who the contributors to the album "Rage" are and we didn't expect anything else from this result! And to tell you the truth I was looking forward to them when I read the names that work together under the Pyramid name.

This album really has its aesthetic. An aesthetic that is naturally built slowly through the many names that participate, each of which individually puts their little stone.

And this gives it another charm, which despite the progressive metal ways makes you, while playing, meet symphonic metal elements, which come either from the keyboards or from the violin and the truth is that they deserve congratulations. It's a special touch these two instruments, which let me say I quite loved and recommend not to miss!

The album "Rage" is true that it has many peculiarities and you will definitely find yourself loving something in there. Because the diversity is on other levels and brings the listener in front of a result, which offers excellent work, passion and compositions that are going to melt several times and at different times of the day (listen to “Greed”, “Empty Roads”, “Rage”, “Magic”, “Tyranny” and “Dungeons And Dragons”)!

And if you think that's enough, then I'm here to tell you that Pyramid's new album also has commendable lyrics, which are about personal issues and feelings but also about society as a whole, even touching on some political issues! I don't know why you wouldn't love this album. Pyramid are here and smashing it!

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