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The Heard - "Tower of Silence" (video)

Προ διετίας διαλύθηκαν οι Crucified Barbara μετά από 18 χρόνια καριέρας (και τέσσερις full length δίσκους συν εννέα singles). Τα τρία από τα τέσσερα μέλη του Σουηδικού συγκροτήματος δημιούργησαν τους The Heard, οι οποίοι περιγράφουν την μουσική τους κάπως έτσι: "heavy riffs, misty songs, dark waters and a death supreme". Μετά από αρκετά singles κυκλοφόρησαν στις αρχές του μήνα το ντεμπούτο τους, το οποίο τιτλοφορείται "The Island"...

Δελτίο τύπου: «The Heard was formed when Klara, Ida and Nicki wanted to keep playing music after their previous band Crucified Barbara called it quits in 2016. Together with Skinny Kangur from Deathstars and the singer and burlesque artist Pepper Potemkin they form The Heard.

The Heard is all about the joy of playing music but the sound is distorted and dark. The music is brought to life by all five members through shortcuts and detours with a vision about a place where reality and mystery meet, The Haunted Island.»

Band: The Heard
Country of origin: Sweden
Location: Stockholm

Video: "Tower Of Silence"
Directors: Damón Zurawski, Johan Bååth
Camera / Editing by: Damón Zurawski
Set Design & Props by: Bon Ton Jeanneau
Make Up by: Cecilia Lindén, Maria Bolin Yilmaz
Assisstant Make-Up by: Moa Paulsson, Eda Elnaz
Location by: Bon Ton Jeanneau, Stefan Sundström

Το βίντεο των The Heard για το "Tower of Silence" από το album "The Island"
Album: "The Island"
Type: Full length
Release date: November 2nd, 2018
Label: Despotz Records
Format: CD, 12" Vinyl

Track listing:
01. The Island
02. A Death Supreme
03. Tower Of Silence
04. Sirens
05. It
06. Caller Of The Storms
07. Revenge Song
08. Queen Scarlet
09. Crystal Lake
10. Leaving The Island

Band members:
Klara Force (Crucified Barbara) - Guitar
Ida Evileye (Crucified Barbara) - Bass
Nikki Wicked (Crucified Barbara) - Drums
Jonas "Skinny Disco" Kangur (Deathstars) - Lead Guitar
Pepper Potemkin - Vocals

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