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Crosshead - Raising Hell (teaser)

Crosshead: heavy metal συγκρότημα εκ' Βελγίου (Antwerpen). Ιδρύθηκε το 1986, άγνωστο το πότε διέλυσε. Κυκλοφόρησε ένα demo τεσσάρων τραγουδιών ("Strange Feelings" 1987), ενώ, δύο χρόνια αργότερα, είχε έτοιμο έναν δίσκο έξι κομματιών ("Raising Hell"), ο οποίος δεν κυκλοφόρησε ποτέ. Κάτι που θα γίνει φέτος από την Cult Metal Classics με έξι bonus τραγούδια. Το δελτίο τύπου της εταιρείας:

«It is hard to believe that back in 1989, the Belgian metal masters CROSSHEAD had recorded a 6 song EP, had printed LP sleeves, mixed and mastered their album and all of a sudden their record label backed off and "Raising Hell" was never officially released, leading the band to calling it quits shortly after. 

After nearly 26 years and working closely with the two guitar players of the band, Marc Hermans and Ronald De Dock, the original master tapes were located, a high quality transfered was made and we remixed and remastered everything, adding 6 bonus songs. 

This is definitely some of the greatest European heavy metal music from the 80's that you'll ever get to listen. Powerful vocals, super strong rhythm section and killer riffs will send you to the metal Valhalla.The album will be released on CD & LP featuring a 16-page booklet, loaded with lyrics, photos and liner notes. The album will be released in December 2015.»

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Αν και δεν είμαι φαν του κεντροευρωπαϊκού '80s metal (πλην εξαιρέσεων) θα του δώσω μία ευκαιρία.


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