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Sabïre - 'I'm a Rock' (official music video)

What do you see when you look at me?
I'm exactly what I look like, babe, it's all I can be
I'm a hard talkin', straight struttin' heavy metal man
I bang rock 'n' roll just as loud as I can

I do what I want, I take what I please
Your preaching and your rules are an infectious disease
You can't stop the high, baby, can't stop the high
I'll tear you down and smash you till the day I die

I'm a rebel, I'm a fighter
A stay-up-all-nighter
The man from your naughtiest dreams
I won't live small, it's winner-takes-all
You can't move me, I'm a rock

Who are you when you look at yourself?
You're dying to be different, or just anybody else
You ain't what you say, baby, you're just a pawn
Just being myself puts your aggression on

Cos' I do what I want, I take what I please
Your preaching and your rules are an infectious disease
You can't stop the high, baby, can't stop the high
I'll tear you down and smash you till the day I die

I'm a rebel, I'm a fighter
A stay-up-all-nighter
The man from your naughtiest dreams
I won't live small, it's winner-takes-all
You can't move me, I'm a rock

If you think I'm alone
There's a million others just like me
All the girls and boys gonna shake the toys
And rip you down with your tree

I do what I want, I take what I please
Your preaching and your rules are an infectious disease
You can't stop the high, baby, can't stop the high
I'll tear you down and smash you till the day I die

I'm a rebel, I'm a fighter
A stay-up-all-nighter
The man from your naughtiest dreams
I won't live small, it's winner-takes-all
You can't move me, I'm a rock

Sabïre - 'Jatt'
Ονομάζονται Sabïre, δημιουργήθηκαν στον Καναδά πριν από 14 έτη (το 2010) από τον Scarlett Monastyrski, ο οποίος λίγα χρόνια αργότερα μετακόμισε στην Αυστραλία και συνέχισε το συγκρότημα με νέα μέλη. Χαρακτηρίζουν την μουσική τους ως "Acid Metal" και δηλώνουν επηρεασμένοι από μπάντες όπως οι Tank, Venom, Diamond Head, W.A.S.P.

Μετά από ένα ep, τρία singles και ένα live album έφθασε η στιγμή για τον πρώτο "ολοκληρωμένο" δίσκο των Sabïre. Φέρει τον τίτλο "Jatt", αποτελείται από 15 τραγούδια και αναμένεται στα τελειώματα του πρώτου καλοκαιρινού μήνα (28 Ιουνίου 2024) μέσω της δισκογραφικής εταιρείας Listenable Records. Παρακολουθούμε το μουσικό βίντεο του τραγουδιού "I'm a Rock", για το οποίο ο Scarlett Monastyrski μας λέει:

«"I'm a Rock" is an angry song for angry people who wanna feel like they're not alone. Let your freak flag fly, let your hair down, throw a brick or two! Don't let no one tell you you're wrong for being you, don't let them win. What makes us special is how we stay true to our authentic selves. As the song say, "all the girls and boys gonna shake the toys and rip you down with your tree!!»

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