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Satan's Fall - 'Destination Destruction' (album stream)

Satan's Fall - 'Destination Destruction'
Οι Satan's Fall μας έρχονται από την Φινλανδία. Δημιουργήθηκαν προ οκταετίας (αρχικά ως Satan's Cross) και μας συστήνονται κάπως έτσι: «Satan’s Fall are a Finnish heavy metal band originating from Helsinki, Finland in 2015. The band combines instrumental prowess with style-conscious songwriting, resulting in timeless heavy metal».

Έχουν κυκλοφορήσει δύο "ολοκληρωμένους" δίσκους ("Final Day" Δεκέμβριος 2020 - Ιανουάριος 2021, ο πρώτος) ένα demo, ένα ep, τέσσερα singles και μία συλλογή ("Past Of" 2020). "Destination Destruction" η δισκογραφική τους πρόταση για το 2023. Πρόκειται για full length album και "βγήκε" προ ημερών...

Δελτίο τύπου: «Satan's Fall are definitely not the first band to hail from Helsinki who have set out on a triumphal march around half the (metal) globe.

For many years, the Finnish capital on the southern tip of the country has been considered to be a melting pot for talented bands and musicians who have the stamina to survive even hard times.

Satan’s Fall has overcome such a difficult phase, when after the release of their debut album ‘Final Day’ in December 2020 the pandemic made any tour plans redundant.

But the five-piece surrounding vocalist Miika Kokko, guitarist Tomi Mäenpää and bass player Joni Petander hasn’t lost its idealism, quite the opposite: following a line-up change when Ville Koskinen joined in as a new lead guitarist and Arttu Hankosaari took the drummer’s seat, the Nordic quintet sounds more impressive than ever before and is set to present an even stronger second album in ‘Destination Destruction’, which features a total of eight powerful metal songs and two cover bonus tracks, performed with speed and virtuosity, brilliantly produced and infused with lots of strong melodies.»

Band: Satan's Fall
Country of origin: Finland
Location: Helsinki
Formed in: 2015
Genre: Heavy/Speed Metal
Lyrical themes: Metal, Occult, Underground culture, Literature
Years active: 2015-present

Album: "Destination Destruction"
Type: Full length
Release date: November 3rd, 2023
Label: High Roller Records
Format: CD, 12" vinyl

Track listing:
01. Lead the Way
02. Garden of Fire
03. Swines for Slaughter
04. Monster's Ball
05. Afterglow
06. No Gods, No Masters
07. Kill the Machine
08. Dark Star
09. Es Wird Viel Passieren (bonus track)
10. Go Go Power Rangers (bonus track)

Band members:
Joni Petander - Bass
Tomi Mäenpää - Guitars
Miika Kokko - Vocals
Ville Koskinen - Guitars
Arttu Hankosaari - Drums

Miscellaneous staff:
Dan Goldsworthy - Artwork
Lassi Tiainen - Recording, Mixing
Mika Jussila - Mastering

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