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Infinitas - 'Kratos' (official singthrough video)

You should live in pain
Brutal and merciless
Did you hear the screams of the helpless folks
Feel the blades of chaos

Your control has to end
I’ll bring you death and fear to punish you
I exposed your betrayal
My revenge will come through

You fu*** framed me
So you should suffer now
Nobody cares for thee
I’ll get you anyhow

I will send you straight to hell
- Straight to hell
I am immortal - fu*** restless!

I am the god of war
I escaped the underworld
Reborn from the darkness
Feel the blades of chaos
My poison in your veins
I bear the ashes on my skin

This is my path of vengeance
Reborn from the darkness
Escaped the underworld
I will bring you coldness
Right into the battlefield
I am immortal - fu*** deathless!

I am the god of war
I escaped the underworld
Reborn from the darkness
Feel the blades of chaos
My poison in your veins
I bear the ashes on my skin

I had trust in you
Believed every word you said
Forces running through my veins
Feel - the blades of chaos

Drunk - Drunk - Drunk on my rage
Drunk - Drunk - Drunk on my rage
- Immortal - fu*** Deathless!

I am the god of war
I escaped the underworld
Reborn from the darkness
Feel the blades of chaos
My poison in your veins
I bear the ashes on my fu*** skin

Drunk - Drunk - Drunk on my rage
Drunk - Drunk

Immortal - fu*** Deathless!

Infinitas - 'Kratos'
Με singles επικοινωνούν την μουσική τους στο 2023 οι Infinitas. Το πρώτο (χρονικά) ήταν το "Kratos" που κυκλοφόρησε στις αρχές του έτους (ενώ ακολούθησε το "Xana"). Όσο για το μήνυμα που θέλουν να περάσουν;

«Abused, betrayed and violated your trust. Everything was taken away from you. Feelings of revenge rise up in you and become stronger and stronger. These feelings tear you apart and poison you from the inside. Until you can't take it anymore.

Driven by revenge, you lose yourself more and more. Does revenge change your past? The best revenge is not to take revenge at all. The best revenge is to let go, move forward and become better and stronger. Free yourself from resentment, revenge and guilt. The only one who carries heavily is you. Let go. Regain your strength. And be grateful for everything that has happened, because it makes you strong.»

Οι Infinitas μας έρχονται από την Ελβετία. Πρόκειται για μπάντα η οποία "παντρεύει" το μελωδικό metal με folk στοιχεία. Δημιουργήθηκαν πριν από 14 έτη, δηλώνουν ως επιρροές μπάντες όπως οι Children of Bodom, Opeth, Wintersun, Iron Maiden, Kreator, Amorphis, Ensiferum και έχουν κυκλοφορήσει δύο EPs και ισάριθμους "ολοκληρωμένους" δίσκους συν τέσσερα singles.

Με το "Kratos" οι Infinitas μας παρουσίασαν και την καινούρια τους τραγουδίστρια, την Mary Crane, η οποία εντάχθηκε στο συγκρότημα πέρυσι...

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