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X-Wild - 'Monster Effect' (official album stream)

X-Wild - 'Monster Effect'
Το συγκρότημα X-Wild δημιουργήθηκε το 1993 από τρία πρώην μέλη των Running Wild (εξού και το όνομα της μπάντας): τον Axel Morgan, τον Jens Becker και τον Stefan Schwarzmann. Έμειναν ενεργοί για μία τετραετία και διαλύθηκαν το 1997 μετά από την κυκλοφορία τριών δίσκων:

➜ "So What!" (1994)
➜ "Monster Effect" (1995)
➜ "Savageland" (1996)

Και οι τρεις δίσκοι επανακυκλοφόρησαν (σε cd, βινύλιο και ψηφιακή μορφή) από την δισκογραφική εταιρεία Rock of Angels Records. Το album "So What!" πέρυσι (1 Απριλίου 2022), το "Monster Effect" επίσης πέρυσι (14 Οκτωβρίου 2022) και το "Savageland" προ ημερών (14 Ιουλίου 2023). Εστιάζουμε στο δεύτερο...

Δελτίο τύπου: «In the year 1993 three ex-members of the world-famous German Metal band Running Wild decided to form a new band called X-Wild. After searching for a fitting singer, they found Frank Knight from Manchester / England.

They were meeting several times for song writing in Rendsburg in the North of Germany, before they entered the studio to record their first album called “So What!” The recordings took place in the famous Studio M in Machtsum near Hildesheim in Germany on November/December 1993.

In this studio were also recorded the two most successful Running Wild albums “Death Or Glory” and “Blazon Stone“. It was even engineered and mixed by the same man: Jan Nemec. Never change a winning team! After the success of their debut album they entered the studio again in 1995 to record their second album called “Monster Effect”.

It was again in Studio M which in the meantime had changed to Celle / Germany. The recordings were made with the same people involved like on the first record. After the release of “Monster Effect” the band went on a European Tour as special guest of German band Grave Digger to promote the album. Following the success of the first two albums, the band recorded and released their third and what was meant to be, their final album “Savageland” in 1996.»

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