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Ad Infinitum - 'Animals' (Live in Oberhausen 2022)

(We are animals)

[Verse 1]
I'm not afraid of the monster in you
I heard the stories
And I hope they are true
Adrenaline is calling my name
No hesitation darling,
I'm still waiting
And for the first time
I will feel alive, alive

Offer me a world
Of shadows and eternity
We are animals
Hunting for another supper,
For another prey
Losing our soul
The love for danger
Is rushing through my veins
Offer me your world,
Your thirst for immortality
We are animals

[Verse 2]
I will unleash the rage, the fury
My primitive and my wildest instincts
Get rid of all the complications
Of human paradoxes, all frustrations
The meaningless is no longer welcome now

Offer me a world
Of shadows and eternity
We are animals
Hunting for another supper,
For another prey
Losing our soul
The love for danger
Is rushing through my veins
Offer me your world,
Your thirst for immortality
We are animals

Our primitive instincts
Are puppeteers of the mind
Handcuffed by the rules
And limits we applied
WILD! All my senses awaken,
I was buried alive
SCREAM! All the hidden desires,
I am reborn tonight

Offer me a world
Of shadows and eternity
Hunting for another supper,
For another prey
Losing our soul
The love for danger
Is rushing through my veins
Offer me your world,
Your thirst for immortality
We are animals

Ad Infinitum
Οι Ad Infinitum μας έρχονται από την Ελβετία. Δημιουργήθηκαν προ πενταετίας και μας συστήνονται ως «European modern symphonic metal band». Άκρως ενεργοί δισκογραφικά καθώς έχουν κυκλοφορήσει ήδη τέσσερα full length albums, με το τέταρτο να φέρει τον τίτλο "Chapter III - Downfall" και να "βγαίνει" προ διμήνου. Στην παρούσα ανάρτηση θα παρακολουθήσουμε το βίντεο με την "ζωντανή" απόδοση του τραγουδιού "Animals" από την εμφάνιση της μπάντας στην Γερμανική πόλη Ομπερχάουζεν το περασμένο φθινόπωρο...

Band: Ad Infinitum
Country of origin: Switzerland
Location: Montreux, Vaud
Formed in: 2018
Genre: Symphonic Metal
Lyrical themes: History, Revolution, Romance
Years active: 2018-present

Video: "Animals" (live)
Video directed by: Vincent de Fallois
Mixed by: Philipp Rösch
Mastered by: Philipp Rösch

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