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Terminus - Poseidon's Children

Band: Terminus
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Formed in: 2012
Genre: Heavy Metal
Lyrical themes: Isaac Asimov, Science Fiction, Fantasy

Audio video: "Poseidon's Children"
Album: "The Reaper's Spiral"
Type: Full length
Release date: June 2015
Label: Stormspell Records
Format: CD

Track listing:
1. The Reaper's Spiral
2. The Traders
3. The Mayors
4. The Encyclopedists
5. The Psychohistorians
6. The Merchant Princes
7. Poseidon's Children
8. Fortress Titan
9. Centaurean

3 σχόλια:

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    1. Να το κάνεις. Δεν έκοψα φλέβα, δεν είναι αριστούργημα, αλλά είναι καλός δίσκος.


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