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Secrets of the Sky - Three Swords

Band: Secrets of the Sky
Country of origin: United States
Location: Oakland, California
Status: Active
Formed in: 2010
Genre: Black/Doom Metal
Lyrical themes: Nature, Darkness, Death

↠ "To Sail Black Waters" (Full length - 2013)
↠ "GH/OST:S" (Split - 2014)
↠ "Pathway" (Full length - 2015)

Audio: "Three Swords"
Album: "Pathway"
Type: Full length
Release date: May 19th, 2015
Label: Metal Blade Records

Track listing:
01. I
02. Three Swords
03. II
04. Angel in Vines
05. Another Light
06. III
07. IV
08. Garden of Prayers
09. V
10. Fosforos
11. VI
12. Eternal Wolves
13. VII

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